Saturday, October 1
10:00 AM until we finish
Instructor: Beva Meagher
Cost: $35.00, includes spindle
Class Limit: 6 participants — so sign up early!
Try something new and different — let’s make our own yarn using a supported spindle!
Yarn making was an ancient and necessary craft perfected by our ancestors. Today, it is both a method to produce custom yarn and a wonderful relaxing hobby/skill that allows the maker to have great pride and pleasure in spinning of fibers.
The instructor will provide you with your choice of a homemade spindle and support, wool fiber roving, written suggestions, & video links to assist you beyond the in-person class. The instruction in the class can prepare you for the future if you wish to expand to a spinning wheel.
How to Sign Up
To register, contact:
Linda Aaskov
Make your check out to Alfred Shaker Museum and mail to:
Linda Aaskov
33A Riverview Street
Sanford, ME 04073